Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Indeed, it is crucial to hold an open debate in Pakistan

Is it not important to conduct an open debate in our country among political parties before the election? 

Engaging in an open debate before the election enables the public to understand and articulate the vision of political parties. This, in turn, allows them to express their vision, mission, and strategy for implementing an economic policy that offers solutions to economic situations, social-economic policies, poverty, inflation, and job creation. The absence of such a debate obscures the path to true leadership, posing challenges for people in making informed decisions about their vote and impeding the country's journey toward the right path. #pakistanpolitics #pakistanelection2024 #Pakistan

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Role of political parties

"As a patriotic Pakistani, it's my duty to express my opinion, and nobody can stop me from expressing it. I believe everyone has the right to choose to agree or disagree."

"PTI is a prominent entity in Pakistani politics; therefore, the presence of all political parties is fundamental for the functioning of democracies. A political group comes into existence when individuals gather to advance a shared ideology and pursue specific goals in the public and governmental sphere. These political groups serve as a vital link between the people and the government. In the absence of a political group representing the public, a government may be formed, but its effectiveness remains uncertain."