Wednesday, 1 April 2009

The greed to Capture Natural Resources by powers may lead to third world War

Add to GoogleI believe in peace and peace is my religion. But U.S.A is not redefining its Political Strategies for peace; in fact many powers have been active in the region, adding that threats had increased due to the natural resources of Central Asian states and Pakistan’s location (Balochistan and North -West Frontier Province). Consequently, grand strategy has been playing through conspiracy theory in this region in view of the Natural resources the greed to Capture Natural Resources by the powers involved in a cold war. Military operations in Afghanistan have been divided between two chains of command, one under NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Atlantic Alliance and one an independent American channel. NATO is a military alliance, called Allies in fact “Axis state of mind” have been playing role in past causing instability of economy and peace and have a wish of malicious designs to capture the world economy. Organizational logic would put the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in charge, but practical strategic logic has made the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), established in 1983 under the operational control of the U.S secretary of Defense. Its area of responsibility is in the Middle East including Egypt, and Central Asia. CENTCOM has been the main American presence in many military operations, including the Gulf War, the United States’ war in Afghanistan and the Iraq War. Forces from CENTCOM currently are deployed primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan in combat roles and have bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Pakistan, and central Asia in support roles. CENTCOM forces have also been deployed in Jordan and Saudi Arabia in the past, although no substantial forces are based in those countries as of 2005. In the light of the Area of responsibilities, we can understand easily why CENTCOM is keenly interested due to only availability of Natural resources enriched in these areas. That is why the great conflict divided the world today. It is feared that in view of the direction in which things are moving today, the political and economic dynamics of the countries of the world may lead to third World war. We must pray with deep feelings and good intentions, may GOD Almighty shower his blessing on the World Let us pray for Peace and for love , if we really have love in our hearts for others, then we should desire for them the same good things we desire for ourselves O, Lord! Guide us along the right path, the path of those whom Thou has bestowed Thy blessings (Ameen)

Our GOD Almighty We need to have love for humanity, kindness in our hearts for others, a charitable disposition, humility, honesty, a thirst for knowledge and when acquired, a desire to share it, and a constant desire to strive in the cause of GOD Almighty by doing good and avoiding that which is bad.( Ameen)

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